Friday, July 10, 2015

Ian D. Moore & Friends: You're not alone

100% of the royalties earned or accrued in the purchase of this book, in all formats, will go to the Pamela Winton tribute fund, which is in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support.

You're not Alone
by Ian D. Moore and friends

An anthology, themed on relationships, of more than 20 authors 
from around the world 
From urban fantasy to stories that bring tears to the eye.

Quick Details:

Release Date:  July 11th, 2015      
Cover Design by Christine Southworth

What can be better than a good book and the satisfaction of helping others at the same time? 

An international group of indie authors, inspired by the personal grief of one, decided to collaborate in the spring of 2015 in a project to create this multi-genre smorgasbord of original short stories, all with the same potent theme – relationship. Some are heartfelt, some funny, some poignant, and some are just a little bit scary – much like relationships themselves. All are by authors fired by the shared enthusiasm to give something back in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. 100% of the profit made on the purchase of this book, in any format, goes to the charity. Cancer touches us all. It has in some way affected those who have contributed their time and talent here. This is our way of showing that we care.

Indie authors carry forward a revolutionary shift in publishing, which allows the author to be creative director in their own work. There are many exceptional, experienced and acclaimed writers who have decided to take this bold step in publishing. In producing this anthology we have also had the inestimable assistance on board of artists, graphic designers, and bloggers – all of whom have a place in our acknowledgments. You, the discerning reader, are the other vital part of this equation. By buying this book you are supporting the work of indie authors, as well as discovering their worth. You are also supporting the charity to which we have chosen to dedicate our work.

Meet the team:

Meet the authors and the stories:

1.  A Year Afterwards - LESLEY HAYES, author of The Drowned Phoenician Sailor.
2.   Closure - BL PRIDE, author of Addiction (Book One, Beyond Life series).
3.   Colin and SandyANTHONY RANDALL, author of The English Sombrero.
4.   One of Those Days -IAN D MOORE, author of Salby Damned.
5.   Dolphins Dance – MIKE BILLINGTON, author of Corpus Delectable.
6.   A Special EveningD AVRAHAM, author of The Shepherd King, (Book I: Foundation Stone; and Off-Wire).
7.   At the Hands of the Healers-SALLYANN PHILLIPS, author of Angel’s Blood (Book one, of the Angel’s Blood series).
8.   Dad – KAYLA HOWARTH, author of The Institute.
9.   Forever Yours CHRISTOPHE FISCHER, author of The Luck of the Weissensteiners (Book 1 of the Three Nations Trilogy).
10.  Fruits -PHYLLIS EDGERLY RING, author of the soon to be published The Munich Girl: A Novel of the Legacies That Outlast War.
11.   Lillies on the Mantel – SYLVA FAE, soon to be published children’s author, Sylvanian Ramblings
12.   Gabriel and the Minister BirdANDREW UPDEGROVE, author of The Alexandria Project.
13.   Inside OutPENNY LUKER, author of The Truth Finder.
14.  Witch’s Mark – KATERINA SESTAKOVA NOVOTNA, author of Hawaiian Lei of Shrunken Heads.
15.   Love’s Silent AcheLISA SHAMBROOK, author of Beneath the Rainbow.
16.   GoalsTOM BENSON, author of A Taste of Honey.
17.   If the Shoe FitsKATHARINE E. HAMILTON, author of The Unfading Lands.
18.   The Birth – LUCINDA E. CLARKE, author of Amie.
19.   Lotta BlumBARBARA DORAN, soon to be published new author. Can be found at
20.   Never too Old -ANGELA LOCKWOOD, author of Language in the Blood.
21.   Ooh Air MagritREBECCA BRYN, author of Touching the Wire.
22.   BabesMAX POWER, author of Darkly Wood.
23.   A Stitch in TimeSK HOLMESLEY, author of Autumn Antics.
24.   Day Late Dollar Short – ERIC LAHTI, author of Henchmen.
25.  Love in an Elevator – S.E MEYER, author of Origins (Book 1 of the Origins Series).
26.   No Longer BrokenNICO LAESER, author of Infinity: An Anonymous Biography & Skin Cage.
27.   Last GoodbyesPAUL RUDDOCK, author of Not What You Thought.
28.   The Yoga Bowl FELIPE ADAN LERMA, author of One Night in the Hill Country

 With invaluable help editing and polishing from Diana J Febry author of Bells On Her Toes


9 Prizes:

- A paperback copy of "You're not Alone"
- One e-copy of any of the following titles by Max Power: "Darkly Wood","Larry Flynn", "Bad Blood" and "Little Big Boy".
- 2 e-copies of each of the following titles by Anthony Randall: "The English Sombrero: The Little White Ball" and "The English sombrero: Nothing to do but Run"
- An e-copy of any of Phyllis Ring's books
- 2  e-books by Angela Lockwood
- 10 e-book copies of "Origins" by S.E. Meyer
- ebook copies of "Salby Damned" by Ian D. Moore


-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

My solemn duty, dear, is to serve and honor you…

I looove to giveth unto thee ideas,
thots you never thot of:
the picturesque protagonist, par excellence,
the non-perishables, the luxurious ditzy-glitz:
the generous, undiluted expansion of d’bizarre;
the epic endoorphins - an open door to an
onomatopoeia Vernacular,
from the high-flying, barnstorming,
toxic firewurKS from yeee-haw KS
taking you in a completely new direction
than where you originally planned!!
O! the mind doth boggle, girly-whirly!!

Why else does a moth fly FROM the night
than to a bold, attractive candle Light??
Don’t let His extravagant Brilliance be extinguished.
You’re creative, yes?
Then, fly-away with U.S. to the antidote…

Whether you obtain morality4mortality to wiseabove
or just glean tantalizing specimens for thy next best seller,
you shall find in our blogs a lotta (subliminal) moxie
which has taken this sinfull mortal yeeeeers to compile:
I lay it ALL out for you, dear, with All-Star-Oxygems:

Wouldn’t ya love an endless eternity
of aplomBombs falling on thy indelible cranium?
An XtraXcitinXpose with no zooillogical-expiration-date?
An IQ much higher than K2?
An extraordinarily, anti-establishment-victory
With both sardonic, satirical wit Who’s savvy
and avant-guarde-humility??
Here’s what the exquisite, prolific GODy sed
(with a most-excellent-detector of bull§ht):

“Faith, hope, and love,
the greatest of these is love -
jump into faith...
and you'll VitSee with love”
Doesn’t matter if you don’t believe (what I write);
God believes in you.

Meet me Upstairs, girl, where the Son never goes down
from a super-passionate, lucrative iconoclasm where you’ll find
of deluxe-HTTP [<- pi] opportunities for excitement BTW.

Do it. Do the deed, dude. Sign into the Big-Zaftig-House.

PS “It is impossible that anyone should NOT receive all that they have believed and hoped to obtain; it gives Me great pleasure when they hope great things from Me and I will always give them more than they expect”
-our Lord Jesus to Saint Gertrude

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